The thought of organizing for some people can be scary. We look at our house and we can get overwhelmed. We can fall into the trap of overthinking and over planning. Truthfully, we can get so caught up in the process of thinking that it can completely zap our energy for the most important step. That is actually doing it. By the time we are done thinking, we may have replayed it in our head so many times that it feels like we already took on the toll and used the energy with none of the reward.

Want to know a secret? You can get your home organized in as little as 15-30 minutes a day. Start with a small space like a drawer or a shelf. Take everything out and sort it into keep, donate, trash, and does not belong baskets. The keep, you will be able to put in containers and put them in the same spot. If an item does not belong, put it away after. If it doesn't have a home, don't worry about that right now. You can leave it in the does not belong basket. As you go through your stuff you will find you will create more space. Keep like items together. If you are organizing a drawer with sewing stuff and you remember you have sewing stuff somewhere else, quickly gather up all the items around the house. They all go together now.
Do yourself a favor and stay off Pinterest in the beginning. Don't worry about perfect, just think functional. Odds are as you get further along in your journey, your needs are going to change. Think draft. Once you are getting close to finishing your house then you can go and spend a little more time looking up beautiful storage solutions. The Dollar Store has so many organizing supplies that it should definitely get you by.
I challenge you to all get started! I have attached a printable to help you start. These are quick tasks that shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes a day for a week only! You can do it! Get this win under your belt and watch the momentum grow!
