Have you ever set out with good intentions to be a super organized person and ended up feeling like a total failure? You may have had high hopes but time after time, you drew the same conclusion - you just aren't an organized person.
What if I were to tell you that you have been thinking about it all wrong?! There is a solution that suits you and your habits. I am going to break it down for you very simply.

Let's say you want to organize your batteries. Your friend uses these compact containers with lids and highly recommends them to you.
You pick some up and try them but you quickly become frustrated. Your batteries become mixed up, and it is too much of a hassle to pull these out of a drawer, open the lid, sort them neatly, and do it again the next day. This system does work for some people.
There are many people who organize traditionally and would rather take extra time putting things away and finding them faster. They feel good having everything sorted into micro categories. They probably would have their batteries sorted by type lined up neatly in different compartments. If that sounds like you, that's great. The compartment storage containers might actually work for you then! You can take a bunch of these and stack them in so many places. You can fit them in larger containers and bins. You will find your stuff super quick. They can be found at the Dollar Store. You can use them for all kinds of stuff.

What if that's not you? Does that mean that you can't be organized? Try again. Here is another inexpensive solution. These are great and I highly recommend them in every drawer of your house. This is a way that you can take a junk drawer and actually make it organized and functional. Another nice thing about these is the bottom one is a larger size. If you want to sort your batteries, you have the option of using the smaller ones. If not, just throw them all together into one the larger size. Label it batteries and be on your way. This system may work much better for you because all you have to do is open a drawer. You don't have to open a lid. It is more accessible, and it is very flexible. However, there is still a third option.

Maybe you will never use these little drawer organizers for your batteries. The third option is possibly the easiest of all the organizing solutions. This is a simple solution. You can leave these out on a shelf and your batteries are super accessible. If you don't like putting your things away because you feel like they are hiding, this is also for you. You can fit all types in here and quickly label it batteries. It may take you a second to dig through them to find the one you are looking for but you don't mind that. You would rather take 2 more seconds looking for something than 2 more seconds putting them away but that's okay. As long as you are putting them away.
When you are shopping for storage solutions, have a general idea in your mind of what will be stored in there, where you are going to put it, and if it is something you will actually use once the novelty wears off. This does not only apply for batteries. I have all my under the sink items in the kitchen and bathroom sorted into containers of some sort. In the bathroom I have one basket labelled extra products, another for cleaning supplies, another for feminine hygiene products, etc. This makes it easier to know what I have and to have quick access to items.
It is a good idea to have in mind how your brain works and what the habits of yourself and your family are. If you are trying to organize a shared area with kids or a husband who isn't going to bother using lids and sorting things into micro categories, you may want to find an easier system when it comes to shared things. It is the best way to get the whole family on board.
1. Purge items that no longer serve a purpose before shopping for containers.
2. Save money and buy containers and bins from the Dollar Store.
3. Store items where you use them the most.
4. Label all containers so you and your household never have to think twice about where an item goes.
That's it. These are very simple solutions that can make a huge impact on your overall functionality of your space!
Happy organizing!