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8 Reasons Organizing Improves Your Mood & Reduces Stress

Updated: May 11, 2021

There are so many external factors that influence our mood. Some for better, some for worse, some we can control, and some we can't. I think it is really important to tune into the things that are positive and that we can control, and set limits on focusing on the negative and worrying about what we cannot control. I know it's hard right, in the middle of a pandemic. That is why it's even more important than ever now to work on this. One thing that feels great is organizing. Even already organized people can benefit from going through the process again. I want to share with you 8 main reasons that organizing improves your mood and can help you reduce stress.

1) It is empowering. When you start organizing your home, you are beginning to act with intention. You will realize that you can improve your life and you will feel good about it. As you start doing it, you will build confidence in yourself. That can lead to positive changes in other areas of your life!

2) It is instant gratification. There are so many things we do in our life that we have to work really hard for, and we have to wait and wait to see results. Eating well and exercising are examples of those things. While they are totally worth it, it can seem like you have to wait forever. Organizing is not an example of that. You do the hard work and you can reap the rewards right away.

3) It gets you moving. Bored at home? Not quite sure what to do? A project like this can get you moving --hello endorphins --. Crank up your favorite music or put on an audiobook. You will feel much better than if you sat on the couch watching tv. (You can do that later). It can be fun. Really.

4) Less clutter creates calm. I don't know why we tend to hold onto so many things when truthfully, it creates so much stress in our mind. A great example of this is when I went on vacation. The kitchen was stocked very minimally and it created a sense of serenity. Am I advocating minimalism? Not necessarily. If I open a drawer that is filled to the brim or a cupboard that has so much stuff, things aren't fitting right, it would cause anxiety. I might prefer to say I'm just not a maximalist. I don't need to fill my storage to the maximum capacity. When I see space between my stuff, it creates a much calmer environment.

5) It saves time. Sure it takes time to initially get your house and your stuff organized. Once you do, though, you will get that time back. You will know exactly where your things are and getting ready will feel like a breeze once your organized.

6) It saves money. Have you have ever been in a store and bought something because it was there and you weren't sure if you need it or even worse, you couldn't find something in your home and had to make a trip to the store? This happened to me twice with my vanilla last year before my spice cupboard was organized. That is all money wasted. Another reason for this is that when you begin to organize and create a space you enjoy, you realize that it wasn't all the stuff that actually made you happy and you are more likely to think twice before buying something you don't need.

7) It helps you appreciate your stuff more. So many people feel like if they are getting rid of their stuff, they aren't appreciating it. Honestly, if you had too much clutter, you probably weren't appreciating it that much anyway. If you have 4 cheese graters and 6 cutting boards, you certainly aren't going to be using them all at once. The ones you use least can be donated to people who actually will appreciate it and your favorite things will shine.

8) It will bring you joy. This is one of the most important reasons to organize your home, especially if you aren't enjoying your space. It is home, why shouldn't it bring you joy? If you want that home sweet home vibe, it is worth the work. If it's just an office that needs work, or a sewing room, or even a closet, you will enjoy using that space so much more if you just put in a little extra work. If you organize a junk drawer, you will actually feel a noticeable difference in how you feel every time you open it. If you organize a closet, same thing. Those small spaces turn into bigger spaces as you tackle more and more. As the organized spaces in your home spread, the joy you feel will begin spreading with it. Try it and see!

I hope that this will inspire you to get started, or get finished on your home. It will feel good. If you want to learn tips about organizing, check out some of my other articles.

Keep well!

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